Singing is the human’s first and highest vocal expression. As infants, we instinctively coo and sing to ourselves, and later rock ourselves to sleep for physical and emotional tranquility. Whether in joy or tragedy, when unaccompanied words are not enough, we turn to singing.  Actors and singers provide an organic vibrational connection to their audience, and we the performers, speak or sing with both voices: the combined voice of the public and performer, raising the frequency of all. That exchange of vibration and sound is one of the vital components of life we have sorely missed, physically, emotionally, and mentally during the Covid pandemic.

All creative expression and self-help therapies share the same purpose and goal: to find, claim, and raise one’s voice.  Painters, sculptors, actors, singers, dancers, musicians – are all artists expressing their voice, physically and metaphorically. But the search is not limited to performing artists. Every one of us needs and wants to be heard.   Social media is in essence another tool, a vehicle for raising your voice and have it be counted, often through creative content.  And finding that voice is the connection to one’s self and to the rest of humanity.  Covid took away many of our outlets and avenues and now, more than ever, there is need for connection, vibration, and unobstructed sound and communication.

Singing is the ultimate mind/body/spirit connection. The benefits of singing are physical and emotional, prophylactic and therapeutic.  I am stronger and healthier because I have sung all of my life, and most especially because I sang opera for 30 years.   Breathing for a living, vibrating, resonating, expressing myself through my performing, has gotten me through terrible traumas and injuries.  When used intentionally, it can be a complementary addition to other mental and physical health therapies.  Physical benefits of singing:
  • increases lung capacity and function
  • strengthens the immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • decreases stress by lowering cortisol
  • Releases endorphins, relieving pain
  • tones abs, diaphragm, and stimulate circulation
  • Improves aerobic capacity
  • strengthens concentration and enhances memory
  • helps improve speaking abilities in stuttering, Parkinson’s, and other conditions
 And  emotional benefits:
  • increase in self-confidence
  • empowerment
  • mood elevation
  • relieves stress and anxiety
  • decreases depression
  • keeps you in the present moment!
The path to finding one’s voice is an unveiling; a tool to help find relief from self limitations, PTSD, abuse, and trauma. It removes muzzles and gags. Singing enables us to express ourselves more deeply, and increases our ability to listen to each other. In my experience, veteran of performing for over 40 years, it is a never ending road of recovery and discovery. It’s a journey back to who we are, back to our source, to our Self, to Love.
Breathing, vibrating, spinning sustained tone on the wings of your breath is a healing and easily available tool of self-care.  It is your own pharmacy; a mood lifter and anti-depressant, with no side effects!  Feeling the organic, physical connection of your voice and body is a restorative healing therapy, administered by your own lovely self, and one that renews itself with each and every breath you take.   And when you add Intention, the benefits multiply.  So be intentional.  Live deliberately.  Take back your Health. Take back your Voice.  Claim what is already yours.
Give yourself permission to be heard.   Raise your voice and make a good noise.  And take care of yourself while you’re doing it.